
Practical 19 : Prepare an activity diagram for computing a restaurant bill, there should be charge for each delivered item. The total amount should be subject to tax and service charge of 18% for group of six and more. For smaller groups there should be a blank entry. Any coupons or gift certificates submitted by the customer should be subtracted


Practical 18 : Prepare a use case diagram and sequence diagram for a computer email system


Practical 17 : Prepare a state diagram for an interactive diagram editor for selecting and dragging objects


Practical 16 : Categorize the following relationships into generalization, aggregation or association.

[A] A country has a capital city Solution: [B] A dining philosopher uses a fork Solution: [C] A file is an ordinary file or a directory file Solution:                                                      [D] Files contains records Solution: [E] A polygon is composed of an ordered set of points Solution: [F] A drawing object is text, a geometrical object, or a group Solution: [G] A person uses a computer language on a object Solution: [H] Modems and keyboards are input/output devices Solution: [I] Classes may have several attributes Solution: [J] A person plays for a team in a certain year Solution: [K] A route connects two cities Solution: [L] A student takes a course from a professor Solution:

Practical 15: Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity, generalization, association concepts. And add at least 5-7 attributes and 3-5 operations for particular class. City, Airport, Airline, Pilot, Flight, Plane, Seat, Passenger


Practical 14: Prepare a class diagram for given group of classes using multiplicity, generalization, association concepts. And add at least 5-7 attributes and 3-5 operations for particular class Page, Shape, Point, Line, Arc, Ellipse, Rectangle, and Circle
